Embrace TFC

Feb 15, 20211 min

What's Your "Why?"

Oftentimes, when making important life decisions, we question whether or not we are ready to take on a new challenge. Sometimes, we question how we even got there. One of our amazingly dedicated and selfless foster parents quickly reminded us of our "Why?" We truly could not be where we are today without our families!

Do you keep in touch with previous placements?

I have had approximately 10 placements and I am in touch with 9 out of the 10. They stop by often, call, bring mothers, Christmas and birthdays birthday gifts. They often call when they need advice.

What is the most rewarding part when a new foster child enters your home?

When a child comes into your home and you know that you have a chance of making a difference in their lives.

What are some things you did around your home to prepare for this new journey?

Decorating the bedrooms is my favorite part. Each time a child came into my home I found out their favorite color and I would decorate the room in that color. I always sit and talk to them once they get their questions about their likes and dislikes. Explain my rules and expectations.

What is the longest placement you've had?

My second placement stayed with me for 5 Years

What is something you have learned about yourself through foster care?

That I have a lot of patience. Patience that I probably did not have with my daughter.

What is some advice you would give someone who is considering becoming a foster parent?

It's very rewarding, especially when they come back and thank you for taking a chance on them.
